Call Today 574-622-8137

How It Works

STEP 1: Free initial consult to discuss pricing/medications and your goals (15-20 minutes via video chat). We will determine if medical weight loss is a good fit for you.


STEP 2: Complete lab work at your preferred lab and one on one analysis of results with provider. Discuss proceeding with treatment and plan of care based on lab results and patient goals (30-45 minutes via video chat).  Labs can be greatly discounted for cash pay or billed to your insurance. If you have had labs with your doctor in the last 3 months, those can be used for reference instead.


STEP 3: Start treatment course with medications or supplements as desired. At this point, you will meet with me weekly to discuss your progress, concerns and ask me any questions (15 minutes via video chat). You will also have full access to BodySite, an app dedicated to weight loss tips, weekly meal planning, macro tracking and customized exercise regimens.

Frequently Asked Questions

1)     How much weight will I lose?


This is kind of up to you! Injectable weight loss medications have been shown to lead to reductions of 15-20% of bodyweight with diet and exercise. Most people lose 1-2 lbs per week when consistently following a program.



2)     Are these medications safe?


Yes, these medications are safe and obtained through licensed compounding pharmacies who undergo monitoring by the FDA. There are only a few contraindications for each class of medications. We will review these at your initial consult to make sure you are a good fit.



3)     What about side effects?


Side effects happen. The most common are GI in nature including nausea, acid reflux and constipation. There are ways to lessen side effects. We will discuss this at your consult visit.



4)     I’ve heard I might lose muscle.


This is possible with any rapid weight loss, however, if you participate in appropriate resistance/strength training, you will not lose lean muscle mass.



5)     Can I use my insurance?


You can use your insurance for labs, but not for medications. Most insurance does not cover these medications and they are quite expensive even with insurance. By using a compounding pharmacy, prices are cut by 2/3! From a retail pharmacy, a single month of Wegovy (semaglutide) is over $1500!!


(574) 622-8137








MONDAY - FRIDAY     8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

SATURDAY - SUNDAY     8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Max Metabolic Wellness & Weight Loss © 2023 All Rights Reserved. Tara Ashlee Photo & Design